Why Vulnerability Is the Path to True Intimacy
While vulnerability can be frightening, extraordinary love takes extraordinary vulnerability, because vulnerability deepens intimacy and intimacy unites souls at the frequency of Love.
How I Destroyed Cancer From the Inside Out: An Interview with David Blake
If there is one thing I could get across in this interview is the message that when people are faced with a disease like cancer, you really have 2 options: you can treat the disease or you can decide to heal the disease.
Overcoming Money Barriers and Open the Flow of Prosperity in Your Life
To simplify the way we look at money, we need to see it for what it really is: energy. Paying someone and getting paid is an energy exchange.
How Sound Healing Chose Me: An Interview with Kyle Lam
From Balenciaga, Toyota, to the backyard of Huntington Beach homes, Kyle Lam has quickly become one of the most sought after sound baths providers in Southern California and beyond.
10 Qualities to Look For in a Trustworthy Psychic
Very few psychics discuss their code of ethics and the karmic laws by which they abide. Yet, like every other service, there are rules and professional standards a trustworthy psychic will take into consideration when working with an individual.
How to Declutter Your Physical, Mental, and Emotional Space for a Happier 2025
All forms of decluttering are essentially an energetic cleanse, whether it’s in your physical, mental, or emotional space. One will surely affect the other, because they are all connected and will impact how you feel.
Authenticity: The Hardest and Easiest Way to Be
As challenging as it is to stay true to yourself and speak and act accordingly in this world, it’s far easier than not to. The hardest part will be to remember who you are. The rest you already know how to do, because you are already you.
10 Self-Care Reminders for Givers to Prevent Holiday Burnout
For those who are natural givers, the holiday season can be both a source of excitement and exhaustion. Here are 10 essential strategies to keep you balanced and grounded while you tackle your holiday duties.
How to Love Someone You Don't Understand
When we meet someone who is very different from us, we can be quick to dismiss them because how they think and believe doesn't make sense to us. Sometimes, the differences are so fundamental that there can be no reconciliation or compromise.
Is it still possible to love those people?
Is Denial Costing You Inner Peace? Here’s What You Need to Know
Being in denial is a choice, though sometimes it’s not a conscious one. Many of us were taught how things are "supposed" to look and feel, so we cling to how things should be instead of facing how they actually are.
Meditation and the Power in Emptiness: Unlocking Limitless Potential
In Emptiness, there lies ultimate spiritual freedom. A soul, unbound, is free to access any dimension of consciousness. But does Emptiness have an application in the physical world, especially for those of us still experiencing the material plane here on Earth?
Breaking the Gravitational Pull of Your Old Patterns
You reach your wits’ end and your current way of being isn’t working for the life you want, so you decide to make a real change. You have built enough awareness to discover a pattern of self-sabotage you’ve been repeating throughout your life.
Let Go, Then Let Go a Little More
Whether physically, psychologically, or energetically, everything in our life takes up space. Even the symbology of holding onto something that no longer has use or meaning in our life makes an imprint in the subconscious.
Strength and Clarity for the Sensitive Soul
Sensitivity is an abstract quality. Unlike physical strength and productivity, sensitivity isn’t really quantifiable, at least, not in a structured way. But sensitivity is a much-needed quality, one that is scarce in our society today.
Breaking the Cynicism Habit and Trusting the Good in People
I’ve come across that response countless times before, either by words or facial expressions. Even when people don’t say it verbally, they communicate their cynicism with their eyes. Why is it so hard to believe in the genuine goodness in people? Are we too cynical as a society?
Your Dream Community is Closer To You Than You Think
What I’ve discovered is that most people in any given community are there for the same reasons I am, to feel a sense of belonging. They’re hoping to find genuine connections, to share knowledge and interests, and create lasting friendships.
How to Balance Authenticity with Sensitivity
This journey can also pose many challenges and dilemmas, such as how authentic is too authentic? Should I always tell the truth about how I feel? Is the world around me ready to hear my truths?
Free Yourself from Shame and Feel Fully Accepted
Releasing each piece of your truth is like dropping a brick you’ve been carrying in your chest. Except you didn’t know you were carrying it until it was dropped and you all of a sudden felt lighter in the heart.
10 Mindful Tips to Help Prevent Burnout in Our DIY Era
The International Labor Organization released a report that found working long hours, defined as more than 55 hours a week, was responsible for 745,000 deaths from stroke and heart disease in 2016 — a 29% increase since 2000.
Creating a Non-Toxic Home: Jamie Lake's Simple Approach to Clean Living
One thing I want to mention is that not all fragrances are bad. We’ve sort of come to this notion that fragrances are bad and essential oils are good, which is not always the case. Not all fragrances are bad and not all essential oils are good.
To simplify the way we look at money, we need to see it for what it really is: energy. Paying someone and getting paid is an energy exchange.