How Lessons From Endurance Running Can Prepare You For a Sustainable Career
We live in a fast-paced world, where a lot of people feel like they are behind. Burnout is prevalent. Comparison is almost impossible to avoid with more connectivity than ever.
Survivors of Suicide: Healthy Ways to Grieve and Heal
In the intervening two-plus decades, I have experienced countless emotions, thoughts, reflections, regrets and losses, as well as victories, successes, lessons and blessings.
Escaping the Traps of False Empowerment for Real Personal Growth
Many people who talk about empowering others to become more motivated and fulfill their potential, yet when they meet a truly empowered individual, they hold back their support or are even quick to tear them down.
Meditation and the Profound Experience of Love: How to Connect to Higher Love
We have forgotten how to love and be loved, because love has become such a complicated matter. Many end up spending their life chasing the idea of love while putting up barriers to protect themselves from the pain of losing love.
Meditation and the Profound Experience of Love: 4 Types of Higher Love
During each occurrence, I found myself in a deep state of bliss, enveloped in an indescribable feeling of love, and crying tears of joy uncontrollably. I felt it from deep within, but also from above and around me.
Recognizing Self-Abandonment and Taking Steps to Meet Your Needs
Emotional abandonment is leaving our emotional needs unattended, often without acknowledging or addressing it with a response. That can leave us feeling confused, unsettled and unloved for a long time.
How to Be a Multifaceted Human Being in a Systematic World
Sometimes, it takes a great amount of courage to go through life as a multifaceted human being. Because there are so many facets to you, forming a clear sense of self can be a confusing process.
Make Happiness a Practice in 2024: 10 Mindful Habits
That was when I came across the powerful idea of choosing happiness, as a decision. I realized then happiness is a commitment — it is a practice I would have to adhere to in order for it to last and expand.
Why the State of Gratitude is a Magnet for Abundance
Many of us were raised to have the capacity to attract good things in life. Fewer of us have the capacity to attract a flow of good things into our life continuously. Yet, there are also many who were conditioned to sabotage or block good things from entering or staying in their lives.
How Posture Impacts the Rest of Your Life: An Interview with Evie Garcia
Just remember, when we talk about mind-body, that the mind actually represses things but our body never forgets. I have worked with many women who have been physically abused and all of them have very similar postural positions.
Identity and Trauma: Our Attachment to Past Wounds
Somehow, my traumatic past made me feel special in a way. I had been telling those stories for so long that without them, I feared, I would just be ordinary.
Expressing Unity and Peace Through 2,000 Paintings: An Interview with Ehsan Khanaman
Nothing sends a stronger message of peace and love than a stunning display of 2,000 double-sided paintings, strategically assembled into a 175-foot-tall monolith. That is the grand plan of Ehsan, artist and owner of Vision of Unity and Peace gallery in Laguna Niguel, California.
Why Self-Regulating Should be Taught in Every School
Language, math and science are considered the essential courses taught at elementary schools, yet there is no mandatory curriculum for something as fundamental as how to be a good human being.
When Your Will is Stronger Than Your Destiny, You Rewrite Your Karmic Contract
My life hasn’t been a walk in the park. I’ve been through many difficulties and spent years feeling lost and confused. Being a believer in reincarnation, I wondered often if I was being punished for something I’d done in a previous life.
How I Discovered My Authentic Self and Overcame Limiting Beliefs
Who are we?… It’s tempting to go identity-shopping and look for the answers outside of ourselves, but this way, we only end up building more layers on top of who we really are.
10 Traits That Make You a Better Employee Than an Entrepreneur
Being an employee doesn’t make you less capable, driven or courageous. It could simply mean your personality traits aren't fitting for entrepreneurship, at least at this time.
10 Traits That Make You a Better Entrepreneur Than an Employee
If you’re at a crossroads and are contemplating starting your own business, maybe my list of traits will help you determine, or at the very least, give you a starting point to research the right areas or develop certain traits you need to become an entrepreneur.
When Nothing in Life is Going Right, Give Yourself the Gift of Stability.
If everything in life seems to work against you, or you are experiencing a difficult loss in your life and nothing is going right at the moment, taking a big breath and a big step back to regain your stability might be just what you need.
Benjamin Franklin’s 13 Virtues: Why They Are More Necessary Than Ever
Throughout history, different religions, philosophers, and governments refined and rewrote a list of fundamental virtues to fit their constitutions and purpose at the time. Yet, in 1726, young Benjamin Franklin, at the age of 20, created a list of virtues for himself, to help him develop into the person he wanted to become.
For those who are natural givers, the holiday season can be both a source of excitement and exhaustion. Here are 10 essential strategies to keep you balanced and grounded while you tackle your holiday duties.